
Friday, October 26, 2012

Foodmachine Langley timetable of events

The Foodmachine event at GameStars in Langley on Saturday November 3rd will run as follows! :)

The store will open at 11am, at which time you can come in and register and drop off your donations for tallying (remember, food items get you tickets, which bring opportunity!).  If you come early enough you can go grab a bite to eat and come back in time for the first round.  Pizza delivery is available, and there will be a menu for you to choose from - it would be advisable to arrive early to take advantage of that.

round 1 12:30 - 1:20
round 2 1:45 - 2:25
round 3 2:45 - 3:25
round 4 3:45 - 4:25
break, stretch legs, food 4:30 - 5:15
round 5 starts 5:30 - 6:15

6.30 - prizes, draw, group pic & thanks :)

The timetable may stretch depending on the number of players.  PLEASE let us know and pre-pay using the PayPal widget so that there are enough tables set up for everyone to use.  Thanks!